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Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Home Lifestyle Read the abhorrent racist abuse sent via Facebook by Chester resident

Read the abhorrent racist abuse sent via Facebook by Chester resident


We’ve been made aware of a targeted stream of racist abuse sent by a Chester resident, and former University of Chester student, which was sent over Facebook Messenger.

The abuse, seen below in the screen shot, was sent in 2018 as a Facebook message to a man who has chosen not to be named. The man who sent the abuse is not only a Chester resident, but also a former student of the University of Chester.

We have only included an image of the initial message, but the abuse did continue past this first encounter.

Racist abuse from Chester resident
The awful racist abuse sent by a Chester resident over Facebook

These messages continued up until as recently as this month, whereupon the recipient of the abuse – upon advice from his close friends – finally contacted the police. Unfortunately the police told him they would take no action as the initial abuse was more than 6 months ago.

We have blurred out the man’s profile photo and name in the image, but he is more than likely known to readers of the Chester Bugle, being a resident of Chester. His actions, aimed at someone completely out of the blue because of the colour of their skin, shows the deep hatred and bigotry that resides within a small element of people within our city – a hatred they feel perfectly justified in releasing behind the safety of a keyboard, to a man who lives over 150 miles away.

A safe distance for racist abuse indeed.

While only one victim of this Chester resident’s cowardly abuse has come forward to date, it is likely this man has aimed his racist vitriol at others. If you have been the victim of online racist abuse from this man, or if you know this man yourself, we would like to hear from you.

Lover of red wine, real ale, Liverpool FC and most things geeky. Darren has been pottering about on the internet since the late 90s, and helps businesses increase their online presence through his agency Engage Web.


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