Home Secretary, Priti Patel, has dismissed claims she’s demonstrated bullying traits, by insisting her accuser is just a “big fat gay spazz“.
In a shocking outburst, and one that many believe broke the Ministerial code, Patel claimed the person who suggested she had bullied staff was wrong, and was just being a “big fat gay spazz“.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson doesn’t believe Patel has done anything wrong, again, and stood by her remarks insisting “she was quite correct, and acted with the composure, respect and standing one would expect of the Home Secretary of the United Kingdom“.
Johnson added that anyone who thought otherwise could just “f*ck off back to where they f*cking came from“.
The big fat gay spazz who wrote the report on Patel has now resigned, which leaves both Patel and Johnson free to bully whomever the bloody well they like.
Johnson concluded:
People should just stop being such bloody lefty snowflakes and toughen up.