The parents of Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt have confirmed there was a typo when they registered his name, and his name is actually Jeremy *unt.
His parents, Nicholas and Meriel *unt, made the mistake when registering the birth of Jeremy in 1966 in London.
Mr *unt’s full name is Jeremy Richard Streynsham *unt, but after he was accidently registered as ‘Hunt’, his parents decided to leave it because they didn’t think he would live up to the name *unt.
Suspicions of Mr Hunt actually being named Mr *unt have been awash for years, with the media constantly letting his real name slip out. In the following news clip, a BBC News reporter almost refers to Mr *unt by his real name, but manages to correct herself before letting it slip.
This clip of a Sky News reporter blurting out Jeremy *unt’s real name shows, once again, that the media has always been aware of the naming mix up:
Perhaps the most famous incident was this radio presenter, James Naughtie, clearly calling Mr *unt by his real name.
With the media being aware of Mr *unt’s real name, his parents have finally come clean and admitted their mistake when registering his birth. His mother, Meriel, commented earlier today:
It was my mistake. My handwriting’s terrible and my C’s look like H’s. Now he’s grown up to be so successful we’re proud of Jeremy. He truly is a Cunt.