People’s champion, Tommy Robinson, has called for his army of loyal fans to boycott social media until his Facebook account is restored.

Tommy was banned from Facebook this week, after the social media giant took offense to the TRUTH being shared by the man who isn’t afraid to expose evil wherever he sees it (so long as the faces are brown).

Tommy’s loyal fans were up in arms at the media blackout Tommy has faced, and are disgusted by Facebook‘s decision to silence what they see as an honest man speaking good common sense.


Tommy has today urged his fans to delete their Facebook accounts in protest, and show Facebook where the real power is.

In an earlier statement, Tommy said:

We will take our country back, starting with our Facebook. I urge all of my followers… if you love England and love being white, delete your Facebook accounts now!!!

Facebook is understandably worried about Tommy’s legion of fans deleting their accounts, with a spokesman commenting:

I hope they don’t delete their accounts. If enough of them delete their accounts, we’ll have no choice but to reinstate Tommy’s Facebook.


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