The Cheshire Oaks branch of McDonald’s will start serving hot fries, it has been confirmed.

Customers of McDonald’s, on Cheshire Oaks, have previously had two choices in the temperature of their fries. They could have ‘lukewarm’ or ‘stone cold’, with most customers opting for the stone cold variety.

However, customers have long lobbied the McDonald’s restaurant to offer hot fries, something McDonald’s has, so far, refused to do. It emerged this week that the restaurant would finally bow to customer demands and offer hot fries.


The manager of McDonald’s on Cheshire Oaks, Iain Gillies, commented to the Bugle this week:

Customers keep asking for hot fries. They’re only paying a few quid for a meal, it’s not like we’re a proper restaurant. OK, if it’s hot fries they want, it’s hot fries they’ll get.

Ironically, the restaurant offers its apple pie in two temperatures that are in stark contrast to its fries – ‘scolding’ and ‘lava’. Tracey Davies, from the Wezzy, dropped her apple pie on the floor last week and nearly caused an industrial accident.

I knocked it off the table onto the floor and it started to eat through the floor – like that scene in Alien. I was wearing sandals for Christ’s sake!

Customers can start buying hot fries from Cheshire Oaks McDonald’s from December 1st.


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